Moving Spines Here's a nice little piece of eye candy that you can add to a map to give it that H.R. Giger look . A nice touch from id. Start out with a basic brush as pictured below. Go up to the curves option on the toolbar and select cylinder. Now manipulate the brush/patch so that it twists and turns so that an organic effect takes place. For help with doing this go to my 'bending columns' tutorial to change the object so that it looks appropriate here. Once the cylinder is shaped to your liking simply go to the 'gothic_block' folder in the textures menu and use the 'gkcspinemove' shader to cover your new patch. There are two shaders in this folder that use the same texture so make sure your using the right one. Now hit 'ctrl+n' so that the texture is lined up properly with the patch. Rotate the texture on the patch so that the spines run the length of the object. Do this by hitting 'shift+page up'. That's it! Save, compile, and launch the game.