Mirrors Mirrors are extremely easy to make but can have some unusual effects. You can only use them sparingly as eye candy. The main rule for using a mirror is that it can't reflect another mirror. No mirror mazes or anything crazy like that. I know, it was a dissapointment for me as well. But they can add some interesting visuals to specific areas of your environment. Just create a brush along the wall of your choice and size it to your liking. Now go up to the textures option and load the'common' group. Select the 'mirror1' texture for the new brush and deselect. Now right-click the mouse on the wireframe view and select 'misc' then 'misc_portal_surface'. A little box will appear and should be placed in the center of the mirror brush not more than 64 units away. Use the shot below as a basic quide. Deselect the box and now put a border around your new mirror. This has to be done because any exposed side of the mirror brush other than the surface will cause HOM effects. Save, compile, and launch the game. Who's that ugly mug I see? Pretty cool.