Creating in-game support Providing in-game support with your new map not only makes installation much easier for the end user but also gives your map more of a proffessional look and feel. Having a real single player option opens your map to more people and gives longevity to your work. Let's face it, most maps will never be played online so a single player game fills the gap. The first thing you need to do is download a nice utility called ArenaMaster. You can download it here. Install and launch the program and you should see the menu below. The utility creates an .arena file which is a basic script file that tells the game's interface what kind of a game it is, i.e. FFA, tourney, CTF, or TDM. It also tells the interface what bots to include and the frag limit. Just enter the title of your map and the actual file name. Select the gaming formats that you desire and the frag limit. The next step is to choose the bots that you wish to spawn in the map once the game launches. Another menu will pop up with a list of all the bots available in the game. Make your selections and then save the file as an .arena file. Your new .arena file will go into the 'scripts' folder within the baseq3 directory in Quake 3. You can also include the file in a .pk3 file by looking at the .pk3 tutorial here. That's all folks! Now go on to learn the wonders of levelshots and how to use them to pimp your work.