Telportation This section will show you how to make a basic teleporter and launch into other rooms. Teleporters are fairly easy to create. They're just like Jump pads in how they work but instead of jumping to your destination you magically pop in! The first thing we'll need is a transporter model. Right click on the wireframe window where you'd like the model to go and select 'misc', then 'misc_model'. Go to the teleporter folder and select 'teleporter.md3'. This will show up as a pink wireframe model in your map with a bounding box around it. Now postition the model in your map making sure it is level with the floor brush. By hitting 'n' you will bring up the enity menu that will allow you to rotate the model using the keys in the lower left corner. You can select 180,360, or whatever to face the model to your liking. In the picture below you can see the desired path into the other room. Once the model is placed create a brush that covers the column in the center of the model. Make sure the brush extends just a little above the model's bounding box for future editing. Now with the brush still selected go to the textures option in the toolbar and load 'common' and then the 'trigger' texture. Now with the brush still selected right click your mouse and choose the 'trigger' option, then 'trigger_teleport'. Bring up the enity menu by hitting 'n' and in the key field enter 'target'. In the value field enter 'trans1'. This will make the brush a teleporting enity when touched. The value of 'trans1' could be anything. It's just the name of your teleporter and is used to line it up with the appropriate destination. Now it's time to finish the second half.