Creating CTF Levels Now it's time to place all of the spawing enties that will allow red and blue players to beat the snot out of eachother. Here are all of them with a list their functions: 1. team_CTF_redplayer = allows a player to join red team. 2. team_CTF_blueplayer = allows a player to join blue team. 3. team_CTF_bluespawn = allows blue player to respawn. 4. team_CTF_redspawn = allows red player to respawn. 5. info_player_start = The same old spawn used to get you into your map. When placing the team spawn points in your map it's a good idea to have as many spawns as players you plan to allow in the map. Otherwise you'll end up with telefragged goo. Start by placing the blue team by right-clicking on the 2-D window and selecting "team_CTF_blueplayer". Place the entities as pictured below or at least within the parameter of your team base. This will allow players to join the blue team. Now do the same with "team_CTF_bluespawn". These will be where players from the blue team will reappear after being killed. The next step will be to add the red team but now use the "team_CTF_redplayer" and "team_CTF_redspawn" entities on the the other side of your map in the red base. Make a duplicate amount of player spawns and have them face the opposing team. The last thing to do will be to add the old "info_player_start" spawn that you've always used for regular deathmatch. If you neglect to do this you'll get kicked back to the start menu because there's no way to get you into the map. I usually like to incorporate the regular spawn points so if I want I can add team death match or regular FFA depending on how the map is layed out. Use the diagram below as a basic guide to get the idea. That's basically it, but you must be aware that the bots are not like human players. When designing your map you'll have to understand that the bots are finicky about how they navigate an environment but that will be covered in a different tutorial. Let's have a look!