Building a Stairwell This will show you how to build a basic set of stairs and explain the cloning feature. The first step in making stairs is to make the landing which is done simply by making a brush against one of the walls in your map. The height of the landing should be appropriate for whatever your using it for such as a new level or maybe a new doorway. Then with the brush still selected hit the 'space bar' and you'll see a clone of the brush appear. It will move slightly from the original brush and will now be the selected brush. Make the new brush ten units high and ten units deep. Leave the width the same as the original landing brush. This will be your first step. Now line up the new brush below the landing as pictured below. Once the brush is in place you can clone the new brush again by hitting the 'space bar' again. Now repeat the process again by moving the new brush below the second one. Just repeat the process until you've reached the floor. Now the bottom stair will probably be slightly above or slightly below the floor level of your room. Just move the bottom of your last step to match the same level of the floor brush by making it shorter or higher. Now on to the side rails. This time create a new brush along side of your new creation that rests flush with the back wall and floor. Bring it out around ten to twenty units beyond the last step and then hit the 'e' key. You should see little blue dots appear along the edge of your new brush in the wireframe window. This is called the edge tool and it allows you to manipulate the edges of any brush. By selecting the blue dot on the corner that sits above the last step, you can pull down that end so that it runs at an angle along the stairs.