The Art of Ramps This tutorial will show how to create a pair of ramps. They're identical to jump pads in the way they're built with only a few tweaks. The ramp is really just an aesthetic touch on the jump pad. Ideally you'll want to use them to send a player over a chasm or body of water. You can also use them to give weapons or health by suspending items along the launch path. For a better understanding of how 'jumping' works check out the jump pad tutorial here. Anyway figure out the location of your new toy and draw a basic brush on the edge of your 'lava pit' or whatever. Use the edge tool by hitting 'e' to bring the end of the brush down so that it's level with the floor. Now build another brush above the last one and make it a slightly wider. Now use the free rotation button to line up the brush with the angled base. Once the brush is in place select the surface of the brush and apply one of the launch pad textures from the textures 'sfx' folder.