Complex doors - Buttons This tutorial will show the basics of making a button open a set of doors to get a treat. Using complex door events are actually very easy to create and in this lesson we'll be using a button to activate this one. Pictured below I've allready made a basic room with a box on one of the walls using the glass shader to display a BFG inside. On the opposite side you can see a button on the wall that when pushed, will open a set of doors under the box to allow our little goodie to fall out and be made available to the player. If your a little shaky on making doors you might want to read the door tutorial here. With that basic knowledge under your belt make the button by making a simple brush on the wall with a smaller brush on top that will act as the button. The purpose for making a brush behind your button is that when the button is depressed by the player, the brush will not exit the "hull" of your map and cause it to leak. Now to make you button brush an actual "button" right-click on the 2-D window and select "func" and then "func_button" with the button brush selected. This will make the brush blue and convert it into a button entity. Now going back over to the box I've cut a hole out of the bottom that will allow the size of the BFG to fall through. I've made two door brushes to fill this gap that will act as the trap doors that will open. Once again select the door brushes one by one and right-click on the 2-D window and select "func" and then "func_door". Make sure that the brushes that surround your doors are able to absorb them to avoid texture flipping and overall funkitude. Make sure that the angle of your doors are set properly. With the either of the door brushes selected hit the "n" key to bring up the entity window and use the directional keys at the lower left to set the direction of the door. Now to join the button to our doors simply select the button brush and then one of the door brushes and hit "crtl+k" and you should see a blue line going from the button to the door. Now repeat the process to include the other door so that both will react when the button is pushed. That's it!