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Author Topic: Favorite Memory  (Read 1532 times)

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Offline BourBon

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Favorite Memory
« on: December 04, 2011, 03:05:50 PM »
I'm sure there is another thread around here somewhere, but I gave up looking through the 23 pages.  Surely I've shared this, but since there are a bunch of new people, here we go! >.> If someone finds it we can delete this.

So yesterday, as I'm getting along in years  :P, I was thinking about some of my favorite childhood memories. 
And I finally came up with my very favorite one.   

It was a day in my 7th year of life.   My dad has always worn glasses/contacts so my mom decided to take my brother and I to the ophthalmologist.  He examined our eyes and determined we both really needed glasses.   We tried on tons of  frames and finally found just the right ones.  They added the lenses and we were on our way.  The car ride home was like seeing the world for the first time!  The trees weren't fuzzy blobs anymore.  Cory(my bro) and I were shouting out, "oh my gosh look at that car! Look at that building! Cory I can see the road signs!" Everything looked so sharp, even seeing people's faces. You can only understand this if you've had bad vision corrected and that is my very special memory, I'll always cherish that day, it changed my life.   

Anyways share... it's your turn.  :)
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 03:17:55 PM by BourBon[1up] »

Offline TurbanError

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Re: Favorite Memory
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 03:16:09 PM »
wow, that's a really nice memory.

Offline Panda[1up]

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Re: Favorite Memory
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2011, 03:29:56 PM »
Well my favorite memory is when my dad wasn't a stiff, when I was little he would pay for my aunts and uncles to come vacation with me my brothers and my mom. We'd go to all these lakes to fish and have fun. I haven't been on any sort of vacation or done anything with my family for at least 10 years.

(04:26:27) Severon: real funny bro alright lets go, u and me 1v1
(04:26:37) Severon ip/pw
(04:27:07) Severon: ip is go f urself, pw is i'll talk to u later cuz im bout to pass out
(04:27:30) Severon just joined... didn't see anyone. talk about a cop - out. cool story

Offline Arlyn

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Re: Favorite Memory
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2011, 10:14:52 PM »
the great happiness I felt everytime dad arrived home...I do not even remember the first time because it was since I started to walk may be ( lol ) everytime I heard the keys opening our home main door I knew it was daddy...
and i would run to jump into his arms,and he was really happy to see me too, was the happiest time of the day,and those were the happiest moments of my childhood,...we adored each other,he was wonderful, awesome,the best thing that has happened in my life.I´ll never stop missing him.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 10:21:07 PM by Arlyn »

Offline stiffy

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Re: Favorite Memory
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2011, 12:47:28 AM »
I have a-lot of fond memories from my childhood, when I was in high school, and when I partied all the time, but nothing compares to the birth of my first born. When my son was born I was overwhelmed with happiness and cried for the first time in my life from happiness. I have been happy many times in my life but have only experianced this feeling once. It by far is the greatest memory I have.
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Favorite Memory
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2011, 12:53:54 AM »
Nice memories folks!

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Offline Wargasm

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Re: Favorite Memory
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2011, 04:03:36 AM »
That's a really deep memory bourbon...I don't think I can think of something that impacted me like that at such a young age.

I really relished being a child and going out for walks with my grampa and grandma around my old neighborhood. My other favorite memory I really look back and laugh at is when my little sister and I would play "Shop" and trade our belongings after setting up a booth at our doors. I used to cheat her and make the sneakiest deals and at the end it wasn't fun anymore because I swindled all the good toys. Good days...=(

Overall those are my fave memories because I really miss being a kid and seeing my parents and their friends young and happy.

Offline TurbanError

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Re: Favorite Memory
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2011, 02:58:36 AM »
When I was little I used to sneak around more than what was appropriate.  I would hide everywhere and pop out and scare my parents awfully.  I had a plan to take a photo of santa to disprove the naysayers.  So I remember when it was very late and I was sure everyone was asleep I snuck to where the tree was and hid on my tip toes crouched behind an automaton in the corner. 

I must have waited down there for about an hour when my Dad came downstairs and started getting presents out and wrapping them.  I was crushed... but I thought maybe they were from him.  After a while of wrapping he goes to the bathroom and I check some of the packages he was wrapping.  From Santa... tears welled up and fell on the present.  He comes back earlier than expected and I dive under a couch (very small, the bottom was made of wood and I cut myself pretty bad), he sits on the couch on top of me.  I thought I was caught and santa was a fake.  I gathered my courage and slowly took pictures of him (or his feet, wrapping presents).  Every shot was a nail bitter, tempting fate to see if he would hear the very audible click the camera made.  Somehow I escaped, I went back to my room where I told my older sister everything (we shared a room). 

When I woke up the tables had turned (atleast to my mind) I had proof my dad was trying to be sneaky santa.  So I grabbed the camera and boastfully walked downstairs and told everyone that I had pictures of santa.  My dad played dump and said we should go get the film developed, I eagerly opened the camera only to find THERE WAS NO FILM INSIDE.  My mom and dad and sister told me I had lost my nut or I was dreaming, or maybe santa couldn't be taken a picture of.

Ok so that's not the memory, I was crushed.

Fast forward I am now 21-22, I live on my own and I am about to leave on my road trip to MN to live with my girlfriend closer to her family.  My dad and I have a lunch and he tells me he is happy about how I turned out (it felt he had finally accepted that I wasn't a child anymore).  He said that he had something that was troubling him and something in his tone made me think the worst.  He told me that my sister had told him about the picture that I took of Santa and he crept into my room and stole the film and that it had bothered him every day since.

I yelled, "I KNEW IT!" and we had a good laugh.

Offline Wargasm

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Re: Favorite Memory
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2011, 03:24:32 AM »
When I was little I used to sneak around more than what was appropriate.  I would hide everywhere and pop out and scare my parents awfully.  I had a plan to take a photo of santa to disprove the naysayers.  So I remember when it was very late and I was sure everyone was asleep I snuck to where the tree was and hid on my tip toes crouched behind an automaton in the corner. 

I must have waited down there for about an hour when my Dad came downstairs and started getting presents out and wrapping them.  I was crushed... but I thought maybe they were from him.  After a while of wrapping he goes to the bathroom and I check some of the packages he was wrapping.  From Santa... tears welled up and fell on the present.  He comes back earlier than expected and I dive under a couch (very small, the bottom was made of wood and I cut myself pretty bad), he sits on the couch on top of me.  I thought I was caught and santa was a fake.  I gathered my courage and slowly took pictures of him (or his feet, wrapping presents).  Every shot was a nail bitter, tempting fate to see if he would hear the very audible click the camera made.  Somehow I escaped, I went back to my room where I told my older sister everything (we shared a room). 

When I woke up the tables had turned (atleast to my mind) I had proof my dad was trying to be sneaky santa.  So I grabbed the camera and boastfully walked downstairs and told everyone that I had pictures of santa.  My dad played dump and said we should go get the film developed, I eagerly opened the camera only to find THERE WAS NO FILM INSIDE.  My mom and dad and sister told me I had lost my nut or I was dreaming, or maybe santa couldn't be taken a picture of.

Ok so that's not the memory, I was crushed.

Fast forward I am now 21-22, I live on my own and I am about to leave on my road trip to MN to live with my girlfriend closer to her family.  My dad and I have a lunch and he tells me he is happy about how I turned out (it felt he had finally accepted that I wasn't a child anymore).  He said that he had something that was troubling him and something in his tone made me think the worst.  He told me that my sister had told him about the picture that I took of Santa and he crept into my room and stole the film and that it had bothered him every day since.

I yelled, "I KNEW IT!" and we had a good laugh.

I would have been so pissed hahaha