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Author Topic: post your scripts (autoexec)  (Read 16832 times)

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Offline Cuomo

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yeah i've tried setting pitch and yaw really low and cranking up sensitivity, but i just prefer it at .022 with pitch at .011
when i have that low/high yaw/sensitivity ratio i find myself either unable to strafe or unable to aim.


Re: post ur autoexec (or wherever the hell you keep your scripts)
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2010, 02:19:19 PM »
I have some wacky settings:

Because I have a really crappy computer I have to deal with <15 FPS in firefights and mouse lag,
there's some edits I've had to make to get things smooth:
In SetPoint I've bound my mouse wheelup to [,] and wheeldown to [.]; and my zoom in is [,] and out is [.].
This is because mouse commands were getting dropped or lagged [even with r_finish and in_mouse] while keyboard hits ALWAYS happen.

ESDF for movement
A - firemode
Q - item on/off
G - bandage
C - weapon drop
Z - Sprint
Mouse2 - zoomreset
Mouse4 - ut_weaptoggle knife
mouse5 - grenade

You ever notice how your crosshair will jump over heads at really long range, like it won't aim as tight as you can see?
m_pitch and m_yaw are 0.001 and sensitivity is 230.
This is so crazy important, you wouldn't believe it 'til you try it:
at the default pitch&yaw of 0.022 your aim skips over segments.
Pitch&yaw are like a grid of points you can aim at, and the higher the number the greater it skips along the grid. Sensitivity is the speed at which you go from grid to grid. This way at a set sensitivity you can change the speed of just one axis by setting either m_pitch or m_yaw higher or lower.
I noticed at 0.022 my aim would skip over long range targets. This was unacceptable.
At 0.001 the DE is more accurate than an SR8 at 0.022. Only nearly exaggerating. Nearly.
If you own a gaming mouse [MX518 here] you're not getting near the benefits from it if your pitch&yaw are still cranked up.

My crosshair is the tiniest dot still visable.

Thank you Nihilist. I always value your input. I really appreciate you being open with your settings and freely giving advice when asked. A lot of great players do not support this educational aspect within our urt community.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 02:21:24 PM by [nbuli] »


Re: post ur autoexec (or wherever the hell you keep your scripts)
« Reply #47 on: April 13, 2010, 02:27:34 PM »
The script I have been interested in is one in which is compatible with weapons which do not have a zoom function. I have heard of a script which adjusts your view from whatever it originally was to 90 degrees - emulating a zoom. So If I have the Lr300 and my default setting is at 105, when I fire it automatically switches to 90 degrees providing a better picture of my target. I wanted to test this scripts utility and see how well it worked. If any of you know of it I would appreciate the info. I will look into it this week and post my findings later.

Though I am most proficiency with the LR300 I have been practicing with the PSG1 a lot as I would like to migrate to this weapon totally in time. So I will be ultimately working on scripts which support this specialization. My motivation towards this end has largely been influenced by Nihilist and watching her play. I know the SR8 owns and plinkers are odd but you cannot deny the beauty of 2 Hs in 1 second :D - just don't miss ;). The Sr8 is too slow in this respect.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 02:30:40 PM by [nbuli] »

Offline Cuomo

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yes nbuli:
set lowfov      "cg_fov 95;sensitivity .3"
set highfov      "cg_fov 105;sensitivity .66"
bind mouse2      "ut_zoomin;+vstr lowfov highfov"

if you dont use mouse2 for zoomin take out ut_zoomin;
if your normal fov is 110 change 105 to 110
if you want fov to reduce to 90 change 95 to 90
change .66 to your default sensitivity and .3 to somewhere around half that. take out both ;sensitivity x if you don't want sensitivity to change.
hold mouse2 to "zoom in" and reduce sensitivity.
this idea has been implemented before but i wrote this script myself.

i posted an updated version of my autoexec. contains all the scripts i use (except gear). i'm sure you'll find a few useful ones.

[attachment no longer available]
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 06:21:52 PM by Cuomo[1up] »


Re: post your scripts (autoexec)
« Reply #49 on: April 17, 2010, 02:41:23 PM »
Thank you for this. I have not had time to dive into urt research I am in the middle of preparing for my senior thesis and defense.  :yawn: I'll be sure to try this out as soon as I get a chance :)

Offline SoTexasDeathRide[1up]

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If you own a gaming mouse [MX518 here] you're not getting near the benefits from it if your pitch&yaw are still cranked up.


Do you use the dpi buttons to switch resolutions on your mouse?  When I am running and looking I switch to high res and when I shoot and snipe I switch to low res.

As for my cfg files, I bind each one to a particular key like Ron.

Offline beautiful Nihilist

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Re: post your scripts (autoexec)
« Reply #51 on: May 04, 2010, 09:52:27 PM »
Very, very rarely I will tap to a lower DPI when in scope, but usually I just zoom in once more.
I've had this mouse for almost 2 years and have still not found a time to really use them [+ and -], though I can see reasons for it. I don't have a 90FOV-style 'zoom' button either, but I understand the idea. I just keep the DPI set to the max [1600].
I tried changing the buttons [+ and -] in SetPoint to key strokes , but I really have no extra commands I'd use and I find myself tapping the + button about every 45 seconds thoughtlessly, as I'm used to it not doing anything but offering a satisfying tactile silent-click to the pad of my aching, blood-thirsty, middle-finger.

I don't like changing the wrist-to-crosshairs movement ratio at any time. Just not my style of dance.

Offline Casper

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Re: post your scripts (autoexec)
« Reply #52 on: May 10, 2010, 02:52:25 PM »
Ive been checking out scripts for a while, and got an idea. im not too good with the coding yet, but the first thing im gonna try is a script u use with a sniper rifle. U click, and it zooms in then fires really quick. its like a basically 1 hit 1 kill pistol :D
however, i have no idea how to do it. im a scripting noob. lolol

Offline Bliz

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Re: post your scripts (autoexec)
« Reply #53 on: August 26, 2010, 07:13:57 AM »
meh stuffs

[attachment no longer available]
01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101

Offline inka

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Re: post your scripts (autoexec)
« Reply #54 on: August 26, 2010, 07:19:48 AM »
Have fun with these commands
There is also more if you look in other sections

By Inka[1up]

Offline Casper

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Re: post your scripts (autoexec)
« Reply #55 on: August 26, 2010, 07:31:46 PM »
Well, since someone else posted here... lmao.
Ive got a crouch toggle set to v, a zoom toggle on right click which, while the right mouse button is held, is zoomed in, fov decreases, and sensitivity decreases, all resetting back to normal when i unzoom. :D
i used to have gear binds too, like F1 is sr8, ump, blah blah blah, but it was really buggy. i have since then removed those binds. i know i have more, but idr haha