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Gaming => Killing Floor 2 => Killing Floor => Topic started by: Resort[1up] on June 23, 2012, 06:58:02 AM

Title: Knowing your Basics (Tips)
Post by: Resort[1up] on June 23, 2012, 06:58:02 AM
Just some minor tips for everyone who plays killing floor.

1. Never "fully" rely on your team:
        Teamwork is important in this game. What i am trying to say is do not fully rely on someone to cover you no matter how good they are. Every chance you get look behind you and make sure they are still there and not a bunch of zombies.

2. Self awareness:
        I see this so much on some of the newer players of the game but do not run backwards and shoot at a big group of zombies for 5 minutes straight. Make sure you know where you are going and that nothing is behind you like a big scary chainsaw or something like that. I recommend using a higher sensitivity than you are use to so you can turn different directions alot quicker. Alot of times people will run right into a wall and welcome death with open arms.

3. Voice Chat:
       If you have it use it if you don't then get it.

4. Flesh Pounders:
       Do not shoot at them with your 9mm hoping to accomplish something. If there is someone around you with a scar/crossbow/aa12 make sure you let them take the shot because (with the exception of a few others) most guns wont do anything but get you killed.

5. Iron sights:
       Learn to use them crosshair software and dots in the center of the monitor will do nothing but spoil you and they are not allowed in tourneys. BUT they are good to use if you are trying to quickly level up certain perks.

6. Running:
       You may see me do this from time to time but that is just so i can get some distance to aim a crossbow. Do not run away from your team if they are ganking a fleshpounder/chainsaw/patty. There are certain times to run but not when your team needs you the most.

7. Soloing perks:
       If your in a multiplayer team game and your team is just downright bad then choose a soloing perk the 2 best would be the medic and the beserker they are ALOT faster and have stronger damage resistance.

8. Aim for the head:
      Self explanatory

9. Crawlers and Sirens:
      Unless you want to die aim for the Crawlers and Sirens first or get as far away from them as possible. The siren is very slow so she is easy to evade but they can pop around any corner or tree at any time. Crawlers are fast but very weak and you can get a head shot off of them  so you should take them out before all else.

10. Explosives:
      For the love of Zombies do not blow yourself up. I myself have done this on a patty round none the less. Granade launchers will f*** your sh** up. All it takes is one lightpole or stalker to have a bad day.

11. Amo boxes:
      They are your best friend if you are one of those people who gets very little kills they save you a ton of money in the long run.

12. Keep moving:
      Killing floor is not one of the games that support holding up in 1 spot every round. There are some exceptions to this on certain maps but most of the maps require you to go over 200m to the next trader so it is always a good ideal to keep moving.

13. Bloats:

14: Medic Care:
     In a team game the medic is a necessity he can heal with his syringe as well has his 2 medic guns. Do not leave your medic alone to fend for himself if he is healing you. His guns are no match for fleshpounders and chainsaws in hard+ games.

15. Skill level:
      Your skill level is not something the game stats will tell you its what you decide and what other players decide.

16: Money Brings Happiness:
      If you are on round 4+ and someone joins mid game give him any money you have left over after buying armor and ammo. Who knows they may just save your life.

17. Know when to buy:
      You do not need to buy armor until wave 3 buying it before is just a waste of money and can leave you broke when its chainsaw and FP time. You need to start buying bigger better guns by round 5 and 6 because those are when you see your first chainsaws.

18. Destination:
      Do not wait till all the zombies are dead to goto the trader sometimes you jsut won't make it. When the wave gets down to 10-20 you should start heading that way.

19. Look before you jump:
      Sometimes when your following the red line to a trainer if the map has high ledges it may ask you to go right over them (mountain pass being an example).

20. Patty Time 11/10
       The patty will always differ in HP depending on the amount of players in the room when it spawns. The best weapons to take on the patty with are: Crossbow/aa12/Husk Cannon/FlameThrower/Scar/Semi auto Rocket Launcher/L.A.W./Pipebombs.  Do not go up to the patty with a katana he will throw you and shoot you then that will be the end. It is always best to stick with your team but do not sit all together in one spot. If you are laying pipe bombs near a door make sure the door is not welded because the PATTY will jsut One in the Pipe the door and all your pipebombs will goto waste. 75% of the time the patty will go for the person farthest away from the group or the one doing damage to him at the time. The patty only has 3 heals once those heals are gone be prepared for face to face encounters. Which (unless your fast enough) will result in immediate death. If you are a firebug keep burning the patty it makes him visible while he is invisible. If your entire team dies just hope that you have a crossbow in your inventory. It is the msot used weapon to take on the patty.

Here is a link with all the perks and what advantages they get each time you level a class up: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Killing_Floor/Perks

Also don't forget to have fun!!!!

Title: Re: Tips For Killing Floor
Post by: Flame[1up] on June 23, 2012, 08:02:19 AM
I use my flamethrower effectively just to kill everybody, if I get horded I spin in a circle and aim at the ground below their feet, effectively catching the whole horde on fire (works well with lots of weak zombies)

Tip: If you can close doors around you when fighting the Pat., He will have to open the door revealing where he is.
Title: Re: Tips For Killing Floor
Post by: Staples, that was easy on June 23, 2012, 08:37:03 AM
I'm not really good yet and posting this is an awesome reference for me to look back
Thanks resort!
Anyways i have pretty good aim with the crossbow xD considering my sniping skills in urt are decent. I use the crossbow to kill scrakes, fleshpounders, and the zombie with the flame canoon lol

CROSSBOW LvL 3 sharp shooter
Title: Re: Tips For Killing Floor
Post by: Resort[1up] on June 23, 2012, 09:41:46 AM
For new players they  (Term)  should read tips 1 and 2 until its stuck in their head (Term) not calling anyone out just saying (Term).

I can still think of a couple of new players (Term) i have seen do this and wonder why they die. They (Term) die within the first minute of a wave back they aren't watching their (Term!!!) back.
Title: Re: Tips For Killing Floor
Post by: Yoyo on June 23, 2012, 09:46:14 AM
This is really helpful :D
Title: Re: Tips For Killing Floor
Post by: Term on June 23, 2012, 11:13:43 PM
For new players they  (Term)  should read tips 1 and 2 until its stuck in their head (Term) not calling anyone out just saying (Term).

I can still think of a couple of new players (Term) i have seen do this and wonder why they die. They (Term) die within the first minute of a wave back they aren't watching their (Term!!!) back.

It's not that I wasn't looking behind me it was the stupid sensitivity. It ****s me over because for some reason I will slightly move my mouse and I will do ether a 180 or a 360 degree turn. I don't know if it's my mouse or the game but it never does it on UrT.

I have also told you this. >:(
Title: Re: Tips For Killing Floor
Post by: G|Man[1up] on June 23, 2012, 11:50:36 PM
Another Tip: (Often made by Noobies or People who are prone to dying)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Tip #21: When found in a situations where you are surrounds by hordes of zombies; you are caught and cannot move. To prevent getting caught pull out your knife and maneuver around the zombie.   
Title: Re: Knowing your Basics (Tips)
Post by: Mapan on April 21, 2013, 10:45:13 AM
That's a lot of good things, i will keep them in mind next time i play