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Author Topic: post your scripts (autoexec)  (Read 16828 times)

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Offline cinnamon

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if it's not actual hax - which it isn't, then whatever.
There are plenty of places you don't have to actually be hacking to be banned, try playing on the paladin servers for a while. I know several players who have been banned there for hax despite the fact that they don't hack, personally I just don't play there.
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Offline kamikaze

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To mike, I tried your bind and now whenever I shoot once it automatically reloads without me pressing r. I copied it exactly. I rebinded r to just reload but it still automatically does it.

Weird, I honestly have no idea, that's directly out of my config

Well I rebinded the r button with my regular reload and restarted it and that worked. I don't know Urban Terror hates me :P
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Offline SnKQuaKe

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Re: post ur autoexec here
« Reply #32 on: March 10, 2010, 12:56:29 PM » triplepost.
i made one that turns 180 for you instantly. =]
other stuff too.. idk

Hacker... >:( Doesn't seem like a good one to keep around.
Your joking right Civil?

I made a script where you left click your mouse and fire instantly. HAX!

I use Mousewheel to zoom, Right click for the all important JUMP

lol not joking at all. Try this on for size. Your running down Abbey main street and you hear fire from behind you. Now a normal 180 move is slow. Now you do the same thing... only you use your 180 instakey, and it looks just like a "snap" and you just happen to land on the guy directly behind you making it look like an aimbot... but wait.. your not botting.. you have a "script key" how long would you let that explanation go on for? I'm not saying Cuomo hax by any means. I'm saying the use of the "script key" for such a thing has a high chance of looking like an aimbot snap. Personal preference, i'll keep my slow 180 reaction time.

Well thats kind of true, There are some noobs out there watching demos, they would see one snap as definite aimbot. If its exactly 180 i wouldnt think much of it in spec. :P

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Offline kamikaze

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That would help me though, i don't have the desk space to move my mouse very far. I have to move lift it and move again and so on.
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Offline Cuomo

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I'll try mikes script when I get home. I just don't wana bandage before I reload every time.. So I'll need a new key. Btw u can just /exec autoexec.cfg instead of restarting. I actually have that bound to the . key. Good point whoami.. Anyway, idgaf about paladin, yet I don't wanna be banned. My main concern is 1up, although I do care a lil about a few other servers. My point is, if it got to that point, I can show them the script. I'm not often taken demos of because, well, I suck. If for some reason someone demos me in suspicion, I'll send them my script. Yes, if ur cinnamon more hax accusals won't be fun, but if ur me, it's not a big deal. I believe it's well known that I don't hack. End of story. :) more scriptz pl0x 

Offline FedoraMike

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I'll try mikes script when I get home. I just don't wana bandage before I reload every time.. So I'll need a new key. Btw u can just /exec autoexec.cfg instead of restarting. I actually have that bound to the . key. Good point whoami.. Anyway, idgaf about paladin, yet I don't wanna be banned. My main concern is 1up, although I do care a lil about a few other servers. My point is, if it got to that point, I can show them the script. I'm not often taken demos of because, well, I suck. If for some reason someone demos me in suspicion, I'll send them my script. Yes, if ur cinnamon more hax accusals won't be fun, but if ur me, it's not a big deal. I believe it's well known that I don't hack. End of story. :) more scriptz pl0x

it only heals if your actually bleeding :P  And you can reload while healing but not heal while reloading in this game (which annoys the hell out of me :P) so it actually doesn't slow the reload process more than 5 ms which is not even noticeable tbh :)

Offline cinnamon

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That would help me though, i don't have the desk space to move my mouse very far. I have to move lift it and move again and so on.
Time to clean the desk!  :P
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Offline kamikaze

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That would help me though, i don't have the desk space to move my mouse very far. I have to move lift it and move again and so on.
Time to clean the desk!  :P
I use the little pull out keyboard shelf and ya you'd have to see my setup haha.
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Offline Cuomo

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what i mean is sometimes i want to reload before i heal...

Offline cinnamon

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Cuomo I don't know if you have ever been to Taggdezi's site but it has some pretty cool stuff on it.
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Offline Cuomo

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yep ive looked around der =]

Offline Bizzy

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After seeing these talks with configs, im gonna start believing in them.
I dont play with any configs i think, other than the 2 binds of medic and thanks.


Offline beautiful Nihilist

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I've been looking for a discussion about this, to see how people feel about a 180 button.

September '09 I made a 180 button on autohotkey and asked the BLR TDM server forum if they thought it was okay or not.
There's several demos, I took a demo every time I used it; and some debate about it there.
By mid-October i deleted it.
I found it to be mostly useless: by turning manually we get to see every frame in between, able to check the entire area for anticipated violence. To blink a 180 blinds us to what's in between and gets us sniped by what our ears failed to pick up.
I found myself thinking 'I wish I had a SPAS' more times than I've wanted this back.
And I've never wished for a SPAS.

I don't see it a cheat in the least, but in this wild, google-recommends-hacks-when-you-type-'Urban Terror'-in-search, and Everyone's a suspect hysteria: it's really not in your best interest to be 'snapping' automajicaly, is it?

I wonder if that nifty Passport thinger would detect it as a cheat.

Offline Cuomo

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if you do it with AHK, maybe. but i did it with built in urt scripting. anything you can do with that is 100% legal.
set lb          "cl_yawspeed 1000;+left; wait 21; -left;cl_yawspeed 500"
bind t          "vstr lb"
nihilist i'd love to see ur autoexec if you have any useful scripts.. =]
i think the only issue here is being suspected of hax if you happen to land on someone. it looks like a snap, unless you adjust the yawspeed and turn up the frames, but then the turn is slower. since it's a script you can't shoot in the middle of it.. so this just slows you down. btw, this is more like a 170 than a 180, because you can't wait half a frame with the "wait" command. if you add one more frame its more like a 190. i chose 170 because usually they're less than directly behind you.
i got accused of aimbotting on wtf nooby server btw lol some guy took a demo of me. i think it's the new mouse =D

Offline beautiful Nihilist

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I have some wacky settings:

Because I have a really crappy computer I have to deal with <15 FPS in firefights and mouse lag,
there's some edits I've had to make to get things smooth:
In SetPoint I've bound my mouse wheelup to [,] and wheeldown to [.]; and my zoom in is [,] and out is [.].
This is because mouse commands were getting dropped or lagged [even with r_finish and in_mouse] while keyboard hits ALWAYS happen.

ESDF for movement
A - firemode
Q - item on/off
G - bandage
C - weapon drop
Z - Sprint
Mouse2 - zoomreset
Mouse4 - ut_weaptoggle knife
mouse5 - grenade

You ever notice how your crosshair will jump over heads at really long range, like it won't aim as tight as you can see?
m_pitch and m_yaw are 0.001 and sensitivity is 230.
This is so crazy important, you wouldn't believe it 'til you try it:
at the default pitch&yaw of 0.022 your aim skips over segments.
Pitch&yaw are like a grid of points you can aim at, and the higher the number the greater it skips along the grid. Sensitivity is the speed at which you go from grid to grid. This way at a set sensitivity you can change the speed of just one axis by setting either m_pitch or m_yaw higher or lower.
I noticed at 0.022 my aim would skip over long range targets. This was unacceptable.
At 0.001 the DE is more accurate than an SR8 at 0.022. Only nearly exaggerating. Nearly.
If you own a gaming mouse [MX518 here] you're not getting near the benefits from it if your pitch&yaw are still cranked up.

My crosshair is the tiniest dot still visable.

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