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Author Topic: How is Skill Calculated?  (Read 7996 times)

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Offline TurbanError

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How is Skill Calculated?
« on: February 09, 2011, 02:52:06 AM »
I am curious, in server rankings, how is skill calculated?

Offline EddieLee

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 03:33:55 AM »

Everyday, they spend hours and hours running complicated statistical formulas to estimate how skilled our players are, allow me to describe (in general terms-because in detail it would blow your mind-) their work:

Every time you log in to our servers they put a MOYBTWYA which stands for "Monkey On Yo Back To Watch Yo Azz", each player you see on our servers has one but they are invisible to normal players eyes, only admin can see them (thats why the admins are kinda weird always... all those hours watching monkeys running around, it gets to ya you know?, hell some of our admins have to take a rest from time to time, our last admin lost was Pyrite who couldnt take watching more MOYBTWYAs that he went nuts man, nuts!... fortunately we were able to do some damage control and sent him to Florida to party out with Flexan, when Pyrite came back he was like new -xcept for that tan, which make him look kinda weird and now everytime we look at him its all awkward  you know? like, are we allowed to talk about it? is it too soon to joke about it? should we put a name to his tan?, anyway im rambling here, let me get back to my point: if you party out with Flexan you need sunscreen, a passport and a clean pair of socks), now this MOYBTWYA carries a calculator, but the calculator its just there for relaxing puorposes (it was found in several scientific studies that 78 percent of monkeys felt more at ease carrying along a calculator when they were doing complicated statistical work, heres a perfect example of what im talking about

oh just look at him, hes chillin' alright, hes all over that branch and alls good with the world all thanks to that badass calculator he has on his hand, hell, even that twig on his mouth makes the point of him being cool with it... whatever "it" is) so when you perform an action the MOYBTWYA sends a signal (usually through smoke-hence that smoke you get when firing yer gun, its more practical that way) and the monkey jury rules in favor or against usually with numbers and all that Olympic stuff, when the numbers are captured they are processed and integrated to the main database using state of the art technology:
then it all adds up and if all its good you get 1 skill point which you can later use to improve your stats or buy stuff from the 1up Store :).

Hope it helps ;).

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Offline TurbanError

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 06:20:20 AM »
I appreciate the effort and monkey pictures.

Offline Poe

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 06:32:59 AM »
I bought Karl, a retired MOYBTWYA, in the 1up store.

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Offline santa

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 06:47:41 AM »
I bought Karl, a retired MOYBTWYA, in the 1up store.

I want a Karl!

Offline KD197

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 12:57:07 PM »
Eddie you're awesome! BTW, the one in the back with the suit and cigar is me.

From what I can tell, "skill" is calculated as follows:

weapon factor * (victim skill * skill fraction)

Where "weapon factor" is a number based on the difficulty of the weapon used, "victim skill" is the victims' current skill level and "skill fraction" is a set number that affects how fast the skill level rises and falls.
In the examples I've seen, skill fraction = 1/1000. A skill fraction of 1/100 would mean you would get 10 times as many points gained or lost than if it's set to 1/1000.
Your victim also loses the amount of skill you win, so it's essentially "stealing" their skill points.

If an LR300 has a weapon factor of 2, your victim has the default start skill level of 1000 and the skill fraction is set to 1/1000, the equation is as follows:

2 * (1000 * 1/1000)

Which in this case, results in "2". So you gain 2 points and your victim loses 2, so they now have 998.
Of course, if you kill players with a higher skill level, you get more points. Using the same example of the LR300 having a factor of 2, but this time you're attacking a player with 2000 skill points, you get this:

2 * (2000 * 1/1000)

Which results in 4 skill points being awarded to you, and 4 taken away from them. Your victim now has 1996 skill points. So basically, if you want to get to higher skill levels fast then you need to kill the players who are at the top of the table.

I wouldn't worry about this too much though, we are revising our stats system in the future and it may not calculate skill this way. In fact, if anyone has any suggestions as to how they think skill should be calculated, let us know!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 12:59:49 PM by KD197[1up] »

Not-so-1337-hax0rz: awsdgiaygveiujgfahiy, killer, [K1L]ShAd0W[GER], [51]Usage (impersonator), 1Lexa8, Redeye, sid, ASTROKILLA, bar, mody, [R:K]BatistaBomB, revenger, [58f]gojan, imaidiot, [DOA]Arik, sn4k3, Broajer, HACKER, DDMX, dopey

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Offline KD197

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2011, 01:48:39 PM »
Anyone can play on any team though so that would be pointless because it would even out, not to mention it'd be a lot of effort to implement.

Not-so-1337-hax0rz: awsdgiaygveiujgfahiy, killer, [K1L]ShAd0W[GER], [51]Usage (impersonator), 1Lexa8, Redeye, sid, ASTROKILLA, bar, mody, [R:K]BatistaBomB, revenger, [58f]gojan, imaidiot, [DOA]Arik, sn4k3, Broajer, HACKER, DDMX, dopey

"yeah, I googled "mod reveal 67" to find out what it does and the top links were from 1up" - SlimPickins[1up]

Offline Perdition[1up]

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2011, 02:49:06 PM »
understanding the mind of eddie is like...i dont even know. just recently he was talking about blue clouds full of kittenz and now this...xD it was awesome btw. and thank u kd, i also always wondered how skill was calculated.
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Offline TurbanError

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 03:29:42 PM »
Well, on zombie, this is a bad system, since zombie players get top score, and human players rarely show up in the top 50.

I agree it is often easier to rack up kills as a zombie.  I suppose the fairness of the system would depend on weapon factor of a knife.  Maybe that could be adjusted to even out the scores.  Keep in mind I feel the top players in Zombie bomb (myself excluded) are often very good humans as well as zombies.

Edit: As far as bomb servers go, planting the bomb offers a free kill, as well as bombed enemies.  Killing someone defusing seems to give two kills and killing the bomb carrier also gives two kills.  Do these extra kills also factor in skill?  Killing a bomb carrier gives two kills to the blue, but the zombie has a single death.  Would that mean that killing a bomb carrier loses twice the skill points and blue would gain twice the skill points?
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 06:35:37 PM by TurbanError »

Offline EddieLee

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2011, 04:36:03 PM »
Some say doing /r_shownormals 1 then /r_showmoybtwyas 1 may work but i think it was a glitch in 4.0 and got taken out in 4.1, i wonder if someone has tried this on 4.2 alpha...

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Offline KD197

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2011, 04:58:20 PM »
Well, on zombie, this is a bad system, since zombie players get top score, and human players rarely show up in the top 50.
I agree it is often easier to rack up kills as a zombie.  I suppose the fairness of the system would depend on weapon factor of a knife.  Maybe that could be adjusted to even out the scores.  Keep in mind I feel the top players in Zombie bomb (myself excluded) are often very good humans as well as zombies.

Edit: As far as bomb servers go, planting the bomb offers a free kill, as well as bombed enemies.  Killing someone defusing seems to give two kills and killing the bomb carrier also gives two kills.  Do these extra kills also factor in skill?  Killing a bomb carrier gives two kills to the blue that killed the zombie but the zombie has a single death.  Would that mean that killing a bomb carrier looses twice the skill points and blue would gain twice the skill points?
Everyone gets a chance to be a zombie, those that aren't good at it don't have as many skill points. In that respect, I think the stats work quite well - good zombie players are top of the zombie stats. I should imagine the default weapon factor of the knife is quite high though.

I didn't know planting a bomb offers a "free kill"? Same for killing defusers and carriers - whilst it may show on screen 2 points for a kill, I think the stats only registers each actual kill.

Not-so-1337-hax0rz: awsdgiaygveiujgfahiy, killer, [K1L]ShAd0W[GER], [51]Usage (impersonator), 1Lexa8, Redeye, sid, ASTROKILLA, bar, mody, [R:K]BatistaBomB, revenger, [58f]gojan, imaidiot, [DOA]Arik, sn4k3, Broajer, HACKER, DDMX, dopey

"yeah, I googled "mod reveal 67" to find out what it does and the top links were from 1up" - SlimPickins[1up]

Offline BoBThEImaM

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2011, 05:03:31 PM »
Its not calculating as a kill.  It looks like a kill, but in reality is only a point.  Similar to how CTF works, you get points for defending/capturing flags, but not kills.  In stats, only your actual kills/deaths are reflected, otherwise most of the top zombie bomb K:D would be around 3.

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Offline TurbanError

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2011, 10:56:45 PM »
Are these points factored in anywhere?

Offline Severon

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2011, 02:28:32 PM »
I think the skill system is perfect although I've never paid much attention to that stat. I've always shot for efficiency which is all about consistency.

The only thing I don't agree with as far as STATS are concerned, is the fact that changing teams is recorded as a death... ?  Looking at my stats I have 128 team changes accounting for 0 kills yet 128 deaths? Is this stat actually factored into ratio and other stats?
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Offline KD197

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Re: How is Skill Calculated?
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2011, 03:22:17 PM »
The server log displays a teamswaps like this:
Kill: Player_A killed Player_A by MOD_CHANGE_TEAM

VSPs' parsing just picks up the killer, victim and kill method. We're working on a new stats system that will eliminate this problem.

Not-so-1337-hax0rz: awsdgiaygveiujgfahiy, killer, [K1L]ShAd0W[GER], [51]Usage (impersonator), 1Lexa8, Redeye, sid, ASTROKILLA, bar, mody, [R:K]BatistaBomB, revenger, [58f]gojan, imaidiot, [DOA]Arik, sn4k3, Broajer, HACKER, DDMX, dopey

"yeah, I googled "mod reveal 67" to find out what it does and the top links were from 1up" - SlimPickins[1up]