News: 1up Discord VOIP
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November 29, 2012, 09:34:15 AM by Arebias in -= =-

Even with all it's problems 4.2 seems very promising and DallasUrT 4.2 [UAA] plans to stick with the latest version however aggravating it can be at this time with all the crashes. 4.2 along with B3 and the banlist plugin makes for a relatively hack free player environment and that, of-course, is the whole idea of the game... Have fun without having to deal with the cheaters.

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RonaldLee[1up] - November 29, 2012, 04:30:51 PM

I like the idea of 4.2 moving along. I am still waiting for a stable build so I can spend money converting our 4.1 features into 4.2. Each time they update the 4.2 version it causes a need to have our binary features reworked. Until it is stable, like 4.1 is stable, I am going to sit back and wait. When I start playing 4.2 again I will stop by your server. I stopped after the 4.2.004 version killed my 1-in-the-Chamber 4.2.
RonaldLee[1up] - June 21, 2013, 08:38:23 AM

We will never be relatively hack free because aim and wall was released recently to general public for 4.2. We are in almost exactly the same position now.

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