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Author Topic: About the members..  (Read 48108 times)

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Offline Kik3n

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About the members..
« on: March 22, 2009, 11:36:59 PM »
I want to get to know each member a little better individually. Anything you want to say about you. What you do for a living, hobbies, how old you are, where you live, etc. Anything you dont want to post, dont.. lol

I'll start.. Im kik3n. My names Stephy. Im soon to be 22.. but still get carded for cigs. I suppose its because Im "tiny". I weigh about 110 and stand at a super tall 5'2'' lol I like working out however I can (staying fit even though I smoke.. its odd I know) Ive had the same gamer tag since 2002.. I also play as KiX, KyuiK or nekey. I live in Columbus, Ohio but will soon be moving. My career is working with kids with disablities. I suppose technically I am an "applied behavioral analysis therapist" It is rewarding and pays well. I kinda fell into this field on accident and love it. Now I am currently working for The Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities in Ohio.

I almost quit smoking then failed.. lol but still trying to quit by my bday in August. I am now single again haha.. I also collect video games and hope to open a store of my own some day. Im in love with Led Zeppelin. I play piano. Im kinda shy but once I get to know you, Im kinda silly. Im pretty lazy. I like to see people happy and having a good time.. thats all that matters. I resigned from leader/founder of 1up, and then went to wTf.. now in VeX.. but Im still around and consider all 1ups friends :) (edited in July '10)

Thats me in a nut shell I guess.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 01:21:32 AM by Kik3n »
Join the dark side... we've got cookies!


Re: About the members..
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2009, 07:03:08 AM »
I will give it a shot too :p

So, I'm Rotterdam, my real name is Ian. I live in the Netherlands or Holland whatever you prefer. I'm 17 years old. I'm playing Urban Terror for over a year. A friend of me told me about it so i started playing it too, i've had a 4 months break in which  i didnt play any games and was fully focused to my sport. I'm a thaibokser, and im doing that for more than 2 years, i really enjoy it and i've played 2 matches, its not like football where you have a match every week... Luckily i have won both on a technical knockout. Ill still train but i dont do matches anymore, had some disagreements with my trainer. Now i'm playing Urban Terror again, ever since i got in the 1up server i already liked it there. Scream told me you guys were recruiting and that i was a good player. So i decided to give it a shot, on the server everyone was nice to me, but on this forum i got the chance to really get to know more about you guys. I really felt like becoming a part of something here, a family. Im almost done on my high school, but ill make it for sure so thats nothing to worry about, after highschool im going to do education about sounddesingn and game developing. I also make music, only not your style i guess. Im really down with hiphop and not the gangster bull**** lol but the smooth hiphop. I make beats for fun, most of the time i use samples from old songs like jazz and soul, but if im in a funny mood ill use samples from all kinds of weird stuff like french folk songs :P. After using samples ill play a bassline on the midi-keyboard to complete the songs. If you want to hear some of my songs just hit me up and ill send some songs or give you my myspace. Thats about it i guess
I hope my english wasnt to lacky for u guys lol :P

[EDIT] ahh screw it,
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 07:31:56 AM by Rotterdam [1up] »

Offline Biohazard

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 04:15:27 PM »
Heh. I dont wanna give to much away just for safety reasons. However...
its not that i dont trust u guys, i live with a strict family.

I am 14 yrs old

Play urt a lot, regular games are boring now since i only have a ps2 and bots are easy.

Im in high school in PA, and have good relationships, but not love, for more info, personal messages plz.

Me and Rena are good friends, and i got her to start playing, btw my name is George.

Im not a nerd or geek or any other bull, i just like to play with other people

I got my urban terror name from my brother when he became Hazmat...see the connection?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 04:18:43 PM by Biohazard »
You pray for less idiots, but you get more.
You pray for love, you get hate.
You pray for power, you get shot.

Biohazard: C. Moore
RenaRyuuguu: See more what?
Biohazard: C. Moore Hax


Re: About the members..
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 05:20:32 PM »

My names Jeff Barbera, im 14(birthday's in april), and told i act alot older than i am.
I have 3 older siblings, all 20+ so this may be why.
I love playing guitar, just rocking out, and classic rock is my passion.
I skateboard alot in my free time and try to be as active as possible.
I live in Maryland... United States and am a huge chicago sports fan.
I tend to make friends easy and im told that im attractive. (only reason im saying this isn't because im full of myself just to paint a picture in ur mind)
I love computers and spend alot of time on them.
I guess you can call me a popular, skater, geeky, LOSER. =D
I've been playing UrT for around a year or so, i sucked at first, so let me be inspiration for all those who suck right now.(btw i mean like REALLY SUCK, got like -2:1 ratios)
My first weapon in Urt was the Sr8 so maybe thats why im so good with it now..
Im happy to be a member of the skv clan and im proud i can say i contributed to the alliance of BRB and skv.
When i first played urt i played for like 3 months, but then quit, then i came back and started playing on Trigger Happy.
I really aspired to be a TH but im glad that they didnt let me in, i sucked balls!
Soooo i went to skv and joint up there and now im gettin better and better.

Lol thats prty much all i have enough patience to write.... post somthing bout you! =D

Offline Dj_Menthol

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2009, 12:02:44 PM »
im jake, im 20, i like underground hip hop, and punk rock, i like urban terror, eyes, brown hair, 5'9, tattoos.., drink, smoke, party, guitar, apple, chipotle, newport lights, work at costco (HOLLA!), i have a gf named sarah for about 2 years, i suck at urban terror, my real name is john but i go by my middle name; jake, im addicted to prescription drugs aaaaaaaaaaand im content. :-*

Offline Lurch

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2009, 04:46:56 PM »
hey hey hey,
Well I'm Joshua and I'm and old fart of 25.  I got into Urt because my bro found the game first and any game we can duel on we play.  We are both straight up gammers.  Anything we touch we basically can keep up with the big boys (usually we decide to master just one game every 3-5 years or so).   I'm a tekkan master I have trophies and the worst I've done in a tourney is 8th place out of 125 peeps.  I've prob beaten more games then most people have even tried to play.  I do this to relax and I grew up in low class family in a high class neighborhood so most of my school mates gave me a hard time.  So I decided to smoke them in any video game they played.  I started on the 30+ server but got completely whooped by my bro (Quadzilla) and his buddies so I moved to the ALPHA servers and worked my way from the worst player to a mid player.  Then got my best bud Topher to start playing making me competitive to the point that we usually were one of the top players in the noobish servers.  We just happened upon a little server called TH where I met two guys named Rubbish and Hybrid who gave Topher and myself a warm we stared playing there for more personal and tougher games.  Then disaster struck!!  A TH member decided to piss off Topher as a joke not knowing his biggest pet peeve was this guy called jpx took out his teammate Topher and laughed it off.....well....Topher went on a PMS kick and prob would have been banned if I hadn't stood up for him.  Damn that jpx...anywho Topher stopped playing on the TH and moved back to the dreaded ALPHA servers to pwn noobs while I decided to compete with peeps like Aero, puss-n-boots, jpx, setitistraight, and at this point started to see some familiar faces like xbecca, cloud, mvpboy, rakso........then again disaster stuck!!!!  There is a glitch where if you log onto ref while specing someone...that person gets logged on instead...and of course I was 1v1ing Topher while this happened so I was logged on to ref (unknowingly...I didn't even know what a ref was or could do and never used the console before lol!) then with my sr8 I made two of the most ridiculous lucky shots I've ever suddenly there was two ths specing...then 3....then 4....I was like...hmmm maybe they are watching for fun?  Nope, they were taking a vote to see if I was haxing/hacking ref and deciding whether to ban me or not.  I was like great now that I really like this server I'm going to get banned....and I guess the vote was in favor of ban...till a little ol guy stepped in named jpx..who over ruled the decision and gave me a second chance since we've played a lot together......about two weeks later jpx and aero asked me to join TH and thus began my rise to fame lol....j/k..

I'm an Eagle scout and have traveled all over the US backpacking, hiking, canoing, climbing, sailing, moutain climbing, mountain biking...stuff like that.  I also have more injuries then most people get in a lifetime.  My last big one left my right clavicle protruding outward....and it's still in the same place lol.

I've done a lot of part time security jobs since I tend to be good at communicating with people or taking them down to the ground if the situation calls for it.  I do this for fun even though I've had: two dislocated jaws, bruised ribs, knocked out twice (from behind), smashed through a table, been jumped after I got off work,  stabbed twice with a broken beer bottle, slashed across the ankle. 

I'm a terrible student  ::) and I'm still an undergrad at Iowa literally eeking my way through an education.  I have a very high IQ but it was complemented with a nice LD so remembering anything is a very hard task.  To put it bluntly I was always the dumb smart I had very few friends growing up....I was nervous and awkward....I was a nerd/geek who was one of the biggest guys on the football team and our schools top discus thrower at the I never really fit in.  I was mad good at creating movies and got people annoyed because I never submitted any of them to our schools movie award night (most people who watched them said I would have won three best student movie in three years lol...I love filming) 

I started out my college life going to UNI for a double education major, middle school math, elementary 5th 6th grade.  But decided against it since a large portion of the girls in my middle grade class would hit on me constantly....I didn't really want to deal with that and I was taking computer classes for I switched majors and headed down to IC to go to Iowa. 

I also like to dance at dance clubs and I think I'm decent at it....but we'll find out on april 28th since I'm throwing the biggest party of the year (VIP room at the largest bar in the big 10....we were voted craziest bar my girls gone!)  So my buddies decided to finally get a video of me dancing (since I've never dance infront of a mirror or on video) and I'm pretty pumped about that. 

Last but not least I'm getting ready to decide if I want to do ROTC or the reserves and try to help out my country a little bit...I would have done it right out of highschool but I would have never fought for pres bush....since I hate him.  So this is a long time overdue for me. 

Yeah I'm pretty lame....but hey everyone loves Lurch right?

Offline Kik3n

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2009, 05:07:17 PM »
I read that whole thing and it made me smile : ) I luff u Lurchy!
Join the dark side... we've got cookies!

Offline ZakBain

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2009, 12:22:10 AM »
I read that whole thing and it made me smile : ) I luff u Lurchy!

I read the whole thing too. I saw Topher on Alpha server about 1 month ago. I was like hey is nignu a clan. He said yah and I told him I saw a nignu lurch. He said well now u have seen a nignu topher. That was funny :).

There are some people who have done a lot in their life lol. And yah who doesn't love lurch?!?


Re: About the members..
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2009, 04:36:22 PM »

Hey I'm Becca. I live in Florida, I've never seen snow and I'm at the beach a lot. I also figure skated.. on ice, for 8 years and still haven't seen snow. I listen to a ton of music and love discovering bands or underground techno. I also like art and appreciating the beauty in little things. I love my friends and would do anything for them. And I love learning and hearing other peoples experiences, stories, or opinions. I like to party too, but not all of the time. I drink coffee basically everyday, wooo! I am 5'2/5'3, blonde hair, blah blah, I'm not a ditzy person though and I think that I'm smarter than the majority of people my age, but who knoows.

And I started playing Urt in May or June of last year, because of my ex-boyfriend Seannsta... and I have friends in person that play, like studmuffin, danewownage, blunthax420...

But Urt is starting to bore me a little...

Offline FedoraMike

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2009, 12:42:08 AM »
So I figured I should  introduce myself.  I'm etownfedoramike.  My real name is Mike as you can probably tell from my in-game name.  I've been playing UrT off an on for a few months when I've had time and really enjoy the 1up server.

Anyway, I'm 21 and from King of Prussia, PA, 20 min outside of Philly.  I'm currently completing my Junior Year at Elizabethtown College (etown) in Central PA majoring in Computer Engineering.  I plan to get my PhD in Electrical/Computer Engineering and possibly teach at the University level someday..  I'm also in charge of my school's Robotics and Machine Intelligence Club, Solar Boat Team and Association of Physics and Engineering Students.  And finally I am managing to do all this while maintaining a 3.9 GPA in the honors program.  Needless to say, I don't have a great deal of free time, but when I do, I like to play UrT.

I have never really played a FPS before UrT (except a little bit of America's Army a long time ago) but it seems like a lot of fun, especially when you play with cool people.  Outside of video games I am a true sci-fi nerd, owning every episode of Star Trek (all 5 series), Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis), FIrefly, Red Dwarf, Threshold etc. on DVD (well over 300 DVDs in the collection).  I also enjoy classic movies from the 1930s, especially James Cagney films.  In addition to this I love swing music (both new and old) and used to wear a Fedora daily for a few years getting me the nickname Fedora Mike.

Finally I'd just like to say thanks to the members of 1up for providing a fun place to play (and get better at) UrT where players respect one another.  It's a pleasure playing with all of you, and I look forward to getting to know each of you better in the future.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 12:44:01 AM by etownfedoramike »

Offline Biohazard

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2009, 03:34:17 PM »
Cool, im from PA too, and my family goes to Prussia every once n  a while.

I live a few hours away though.
You pray for less idiots, but you get more.
You pray for love, you get hate.
You pray for power, you get shot.

Biohazard: C. Moore
RenaRyuuguu: See more what?
Biohazard: C. Moore Hax

Offline FedoraMike

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2009, 11:17:26 AM »
That's cool you're from PA too.  Yeah, KoP is my hometown, but I've been out in Elizabethtown (near Hershey) for the last few years with school and internships.  I'm typically only home every couple weekends.

Offline oneinch

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2009, 10:03:40 AM »
Guess I will say something about my self while I sit here and drink my coffee.

CAFFINE ROX YUR SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, I'm oneinch, and I imagine that there are a few of you whom wonder about that name. Well, you see. It all started like this many a year ago back in like 98 when I was kicking it in an EFnet chan called #****. This guy and me, I forget his nick at this very moment got into an argument over what "SMPT" stood for, Send Mail Transfer Protocol, or  Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Well, things got ugly and I was booted from the chan. Now this was back in the day when I was getting my irc legs so I didn't know how things worked. So I would change my nick and rejoin the chan trying to act like someone else. It didn't work and I would get kicked again, so I would change my nick again. The last time I changed my nick it was to oneinch and I thought it was cool and just liked it so I just kinda kept it despite all the perverted people whom seem to automatically associate a unit of measurement with penis size.

My real name is Jacques. It is french. Now I am not french, but I do have french lineage. I'm 29 and about to start college for an AAS for culinary arts. I love a good FPS though I do not consider my self very good at them. I played Day of Defeat which is a Half-Life mod for a little over a year. I pretty much left the HL scene when ever they decided to dump steam on people. And I havent really gamed that much since I gave my life to Christ a few years back though I am now getting back into and have fallen in love with the UrT. I came across 1up through the flippin awesome ping I get on the servers and Really like the 1up peeps. You guys rock! Nothing else that I really want to divulge right now :)

Offline oneinch

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2009, 02:17:20 PM »
are you from quebec?

No. And from what I understand as I have an uncle that got really big into doing the family tree thing was that my family came over from france in the 1700's some time and originally went to quebec or an area around there. Well, I understand that the french were kicked out of quebec and they all went to settle what has turned into now a day Louisiana. Well, being french my family went went them. My Grandfather brought the family from Louisiana over to Texas which is where I am now. It might not have been quebec but it was some place in canada.

Offline Blackdaz

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Re: About the members..
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2009, 11:08:54 PM »
I will give it a shot too :p

So, I'm Rotterdam, my real name is Ian. I live in the Netherlands or Holland whatever you prefer. I'm 17 years old. I'm playing Urban Terror for over a year. A friend of me told me about it so i started playing it too, i've had a 4 months break in which  i didnt play any games and was fully focused to my sport. I'm a thaibokser, and im doing that for more than 2 years, i really enjoy it and i've played 2 matches, its not like football where you have a match every week... Luckily i have won both on a technical knockout. Ill still train but i dont do matches anymore, had some disagreements with my trainer. Now i'm playing Urban Terror again, ever since i got in the 1up server i already liked it there. Scream told me you guys were recruiting and that i was a good player. So i decided to give it a shot, on the server everyone was nice to me, but on this forum i got the chance to really get to know more about you guys. I really felt like becoming a part of something here, a family. Im almost done on my high school, but ill make it for sure so thats nothing to worry about, after highschool im going to do education about sounddesingn and game developing. I also make music, only not your style i guess. Im really down with hiphop and not the gangster bull**** lol but the smooth hiphop. I make beats for fun, most of the time i use samples from old songs like jazz and soul, but if im in a funny mood ill use samples from all kinds of weird stuff like french folk songs :P. After using samples ill play a bassline on the midi-keyboard to complete the songs. If you want to hear some of my songs just hit me up and ill send some songs or give you my myspace. Thats about it i guess
I hope my english wasnt to lacky for u guys lol :P

[EDIT] ahh screw it,
your a thaiboxer?srs dudee? I did a lil' thaiboxing myself. my granpa use to be the northern champion in thailand. my dad teaches me some moves when he feels like it.

the clozer you get to light.the greater your shadow becomes.
i am your shadow. beware.