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Offline FedoraMike

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Any Tips?
« on: May 03, 2009, 07:55:25 PM »
Hey Everyone,

I's pretty obvious to me that most (if not all, lol) of you are better than me at UrT.  I was wondering if there are are any tips that you could give me to help me become a better player.  Anyway, I appreciate any input or suggestions you may have.

-Fedora Mike

Offline oneinch

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Re: Any Tips?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2009, 12:46:26 AM »
to build off the last post.

1) learn the maps(all the spawns, all the routs, all the hiding places, everything there is to know about it.)
    a) The spawns: so you know where they will be coming from.
    b) The routs: If you see some one going a certain direction and you will not be able to kill them, you will know where they are going
    c) The hiding places: Were to look when you are moving around and they are also places where you are able to hide.
    d) everything else such as bugs and exploits of a map and the game are good to have a knowledge of because people will abuse them and knowing them you will know what to look for.

2) strafe around corners

3) check behind you often

4) Check everything every where(looking for people that are hiding or camping waiting to ambush you or someone else. Don't just blindly run around)

5)Practice your circle strafing(keeping your cross hairs on an object(preferably a person) while strafing in a circle or semi-circle pattern which you can incorperate into jumping and moving around)

6) If someone is moving try to lead them a little.

7) If you see a laser find its source no matter where you are, it could be someone trying to sneak up on you.

8) Sound is very important you can hear people walking and moving around.

9) If your trying to sneak around and get into a position, don't shoot at people until you are where you want to be unless you have to defend your self.

10) Learn when to shoot and when not to. Given the situation it is not always best to open fire as soon as you see someone.

11) learn when to walk, when to run and when to sprint.

12) if you see a dead body of a team mate. Approach with caution as the kill is most likely still around.

13) If you hear shooting around a corner, go around it with caution.

14) Pay very close attention to who is around you and watch the kills. Such as if rumgod[1up] is on your right flank and you see him get knifed, there is a good chance your next, so prepare for it. Learn to watch the kills, you can glean immense info from them. E.G. Lets say your on blue, and playing a map that has three routs, right, left, and center. You watch rumgod[1up] go right and you go center. A few seconds later you see Rumgod[1up] killed by Synyster[1up]. You now know that there is at least one person of the red team on the right path with a possibility of more.

15) learn to work as a team. When they rush, you rush with them. When they defend, you defend with them. When they move up, you move up with them. You are but a pawn on a chess board, and just a cog in the mess of wheels. Though you might seem little, you are still of importance. Take out the cog and it all goes to the crapper.

16) If you find your self fighting two or more people at once. Just pick one and stick with that one person until you a) kill them. b) you get killed c) someone else kills them d) they run into a building or some such and you can no longer carry out the attack then pick another target and repeat.

17) If you see someone in the distance, like a window, and they are facing you standing still, Very good chance your about to get sniped. Try to stay moving and be as unpredictable as you can trying to get to cover or out of their line of sight.

Okay, okay. Thats plenty. Hope it help you my man.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 01:10:30 AM by oneinch »

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Re: Any Tips?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2009, 01:50:16 AM »
A lot of good tips, though I don't think I saw these mentioned:

If you're in a fight with more than one enemy, if possible you should attempt to cut off vision from one of the enemies so that you can fight 1v1 with the other.  Don't look away from or stop shooting at your target while you're doing this.  This is one of the reasons it's best to know the map inside and out, so that you can know where to move without having to look.

When using automatic weapons, fire the bullets in manual bursts.  Don't use burst mode, use automatic mode.

This is so that your bullets are more accurate.  At closer distances, fire more bullets per bursts, and at very long distances, fire off only one or two bullets at a time.  The more you practice with this the better you'll get at determining how long exactly you should fire per burst depending on the enemies' distance.

Use walls to your advantage.  When going around a corner that you know an enemy is waiting around you for, you can walljump into the air as you're going around the wall.  Their crosshair will likely be waiting where your chest or head will appear, but if you do this their crosshair will instead be around where your lower legs are.  This can buy you some time.  Not a whole lot, but enough to make a difference.

You can also use walls just to make yourself harder to hit.  It's also quite fun to walljump over their head and shoot them in the back.  The key thing here is to make sure your crosshair is almost always on the target while you're walljumping, otherwise you're gaining nothing.

Something that was touched on but wasn't gone into too deeply is sound.

Sound is your best friend.  Listen for EVERYTHING that is related to a player in UrT.  Bleeding sounds, breathing sounds, walking sounds, reloading sounds, switching weapon sounds, and weapon firing sounds.

Try using a beretta only for a while.  This is to improve your aim.  Reaction speed will come with time.

Offline oneinch

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Re: Any Tips?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2009, 09:48:49 AM »
Came across this which is a good read, combat techniques right from the UrT manual.